
Let’s Chat & Chew!
Psalm 133:1 (NLT) How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!
When is the last time you got together with people who have made an impactful difference in your life and in the person you are? You know those individuals whom you haven’t shared every aspect of your life with, but your bond is everlasting because of the love and loyalty you have for each other. Every so often, you need to rally yourselves around the table for a time of chat & chew! That’s right – leave all of the world’s callings outside the door. Take time out to joke and laugh, share, and appreciate one another. Gather around some delicious food and get your grub on - enjoying a meal together and then talking and laughing some more. The beauty of simple fellowship is that it does not require rules or a program format. All that’s needed is the kindred spirit of friends who are grateful for God’s gift of ‘each other’.