For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45

VoluntEER ToDAY!
1 Peter 4:10-11 - God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.
Make a difference - volunteer!
What kind of volunteer are you?
Willing Workers
Gloria Peters
This ministry acts in a capacity of service and support to the church and pastor and participates in a similar role as that of the General Missionary Society by witnessing to others to win souls for Christ and helping those in need.
This ministry acts in a capacity of service and support to the church and pastor and participates in a similar role as that of the General Missionary Society by witnessing to others to win souls for Christ and helping those in need.
Kimberly Johnson
This ministry provides beautification to the sanctuary and its grounds. Its goal is to enhance the beauty of the Church by providing seasonally appropriate decorations to the sanctuary and foyer. While overseeing the maintenance and floral appropriateness of the Church grounds.
This ministry provides beautification to the sanctuary and its grounds. Its goal is to enhance the beauty of the Church by providing seasonally appropriate decorations to the sanctuary and foyer. While overseeing the maintenance and floral appropriateness of the Church grounds.
The Mt. Zion Media Ministry carries the responsibility to help the Pastor and other ministries in “Reaching the World for Christ”. It is our mission to “Get the Word Out” through streaming (Facebook Live and Web stream service, TV & Radio Broadcast, Youtube, CD, DVD and the use of MP3.
Culinary Ministry
Aaron Kelly
The Culinary Ministry serves the needs of the church family both in food preparation and fellowship and supervises all activities held in the Family Center.
The Culinary Ministry serves the needs of the church family both in food preparation and fellowship and supervises all activities held in the Family Center.
Greeter's Ministry
Lois Williams
The Greeters Ministry is committed to dynamically greeting, reaching out and receiving people to worship, entering the sanctuary. Assisting worshippers in a hospitable manner entering church to hear the Word of God. Fostering fellowship with men, women and children and giving the best initial worship experience entering Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church.
Click HERE to meet our Greeters!
The Greeters Ministry is committed to dynamically greeting, reaching out and receiving people to worship, entering the sanctuary. Assisting worshippers in a hospitable manner entering church to hear the Word of God. Fostering fellowship with men, women and children and giving the best initial worship experience entering Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church.
Click HERE to meet our Greeters!
Nedra Fortson
Samaritan Clinic is a freestanding, safety net clinic for uninsured and underinsured persons in Southwest Georgia. The mission of Samaritan Clinic is to provide evidence based, quality, safe, and effective healthcare services to persons at 200% or below the federal poverty guideline. We accomplish this with volunteer physicians, nurses, clerical staff, and support personnel. Established in 2008 through the visionary leadership of Pastor Daniel Simmons of Mt. Zion Baptist Church and Pastor Theodus Drake of Second Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Samaritan Clinic has served over 1500 persons in the community since its inception. Samaritan Clinic is a subsidiary of the Mt. Zion Community Reinvestment Corporation in collaboration with Zion Outreach Ministries, both 501c3 corporations.
Samaritan Clinic is a freestanding, safety net clinic for uninsured and underinsured persons in Southwest Georgia. The mission of Samaritan Clinic is to provide evidence based, quality, safe, and effective healthcare services to persons at 200% or below the federal poverty guideline. We accomplish this with volunteer physicians, nurses, clerical staff, and support personnel. Established in 2008 through the visionary leadership of Pastor Daniel Simmons of Mt. Zion Baptist Church and Pastor Theodus Drake of Second Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Samaritan Clinic has served over 1500 persons in the community since its inception. Samaritan Clinic is a subsidiary of the Mt. Zion Community Reinvestment Corporation in collaboration with Zion Outreach Ministries, both 501c3 corporations.
Terron Hayes
The purpose of the Security Ministry is “To serve God in all we do by being humble Christian servants to all who enter into this house. We will praise our Lord’s name and His works. To God be the Glory.
The purpose of the Security Ministry is “To serve God in all we do by being humble Christian servants to all who enter into this house. We will praise our Lord’s name and His works. To God be the Glory.
Isiah Kelley
The Soup Kitchen is a weekly ministry on Thursday’s from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., organized to feed the homeless, sick, shut-in, and the needy from September to May annually. Food is prepared for walk-ins and delivered to the homebound during this period.
The Soup Kitchen is a weekly ministry on Thursday’s from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., organized to feed the homeless, sick, shut-in, and the needy from September to May annually. Food is prepared for walk-ins and delivered to the homebound during this period.