
Can’t Plead the Fifth!

Matthew 12:36-37 (NLT) “And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgement day for every idle word you speak. The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.”
This here is a story about Angelica...the woman people on earth generally referred to as an ‘angel’...
Angelica is about to go through the last phase of her entry deposition into Heaven. Her acts of the Fruit of the Spirit while she was on earth have passed with flying colors. Yet, the angels who are caring for her do not have the happiest expression on their faces as she thinks they should. She dismisses her thoughts as the angels guide her into a room and present her before the Lord. A bright light fades to darkness, and Angelica begins to listen to all sorts of fouls comments about people and about God that she made with no remorse throughout her lifetime. “Explain yourself,” the Lord says to Angelica. With quick thinking and a stoic countenance, she replies to the Lord, “I plead the fifth!” At that moment, all of the angels put their hands on their foreheads and fly away - leaving Angelica in the solemn Presence of the Lord. The lesson for us is this: If we represent God in the earth, we must represent all of the nature of His character wholeheartedly. When our day of judgement comes, the last thing we want to face is the guilt of committing blasphemy toward the Lord. He’s the Keeper to our entry into Heaven. To plead anything other than the truth is self- incrimination. Let’s get this right while we still have time.