
Stay In the Ring
2 Chronicles 15:7 (AMP) “...But as for you, be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work.”
Ding! Ding! Here you go! Pumped up and ready to see and do big things in 2023. Here’s to a fresh start; a new beginning. All of yesterday’s setbacks, disappointments, loss, and regrets are behind you. The year ahead is overflowing with your hopes, your plans, and your dreams. Yes, abundant possibilities are within your reach. In Christ – nothing is impossible if you only believe in Him that it is so. But let’s get something straight. Turbulence is a part of the training field you will often have to learn how to maneuver yourself through in order for you to be developed to receive and handle the blessings you are striving for. To do this, you’ve got to stay in the ring! As the days, weeks, and months of this year begin to roll by, don’t tap out just because you haven’t gotten what you’re seeking fast enough. Stay pumped up about your goals! Why? Because your goals aren’t complete until God puts His finishing touches on them, and God can take as long as He wants to give you the best that He has for you! Let your faith in God count, and stay in the ring!