
Would You Go?
Matthew 19:29 (NLT) “And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life.”
If God were to make it evidently clear to you that He wants you to move to another location in the next few months, and the move wasn’t tied to anything other tan Hi swill for you to do so – would you go? Don’t answer so quickly, because it is possible for God to do this in your life and mine.  Imagine that He did...would you negotiate with God to justify why it makes no sense to you? Would you try to change God’s mind by explaining all the work it would take to prepare to move? Would you ignore God by filling your headspace with the voices of people who are saying what you would rather hear? Think about today’s scripture. Wouldn’t be more wise to ask God for strength guidance, protection, and provision – and to trust that He is up to something wonderful in His plans for your life. You do know that it is His plans – not our plans – that guarantee the best life for us, right? So... would you go? It might be a bit unnerving at the start, but a Word from God holds a guarantee that we won’t be disappointed when we obey.