Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Vision Statement of the Youth Ministry
The purpose of the youth ministry is to evangelize lost youth between the ages of 4-18 and bring them into the fellowship with God and the Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Through fellowship with Mt. Zion, youth will be discipled for Christ, given the opportunity to perform evangelistic and missionary activities and worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth.
The purpose of the youth ministry is to evangelize lost youth between the ages of 4-18 and bring them into the fellowship with God and the Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Through fellowship with Mt. Zion, youth will be discipled for Christ, given the opportunity to perform evangelistic and missionary activities and worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth.

Donald Gray
This ministry under the leadership of adult men of the church, provides biblical, cultural and leadership training for young men of Mt. Zion arid the community to increase their spiritual survival and manhood skills. This outreach meets on the second and fourth Saturdays at 8:30 a.m. Breakfast and sports activities are included.
This ministry under the leadership of adult men of the church, provides biblical, cultural and leadership training for young men of Mt. Zion arid the community to increase their spiritual survival and manhood skills. This outreach meets on the second and fourth Saturdays at 8:30 a.m. Breakfast and sports activities are included.
(Claiming Academic Power and Success)
Elaine Williams
Because of the growing need for preparation for each new grade level in our school systems, we have implemented an afternoon tutorial program for students here and throughout the community. The main objectives of this ministry are to 1) help students to prepare for Standardized Tests, 2) provide extra help with homework assignments in areas of low performance, and 3) give spiritual support to ensure success in their school environments. The acronym C.A.P.S. stands for “Claiming Academic Power and Success.” The tutorial takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Students in grades K to 12 are welcome to sign up
Elaine Williams
Because of the growing need for preparation for each new grade level in our school systems, we have implemented an afternoon tutorial program for students here and throughout the community. The main objectives of this ministry are to 1) help students to prepare for Standardized Tests, 2) provide extra help with homework assignments in areas of low performance, and 3) give spiritual support to ensure success in their school environments. The acronym C.A.P.S. stands for “Claiming Academic Power and Success.” The tutorial takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Students in grades K to 12 are welcome to sign up
C.A.P.S. Youth ACADEMY for Boys
Elaine Williams
The Mt. Zion Youth Academy is primarily a summer enrichment program that extends throughout the school year for boys between the ages of 9 and 14. For six weeks during the months of June and July, this program uses academic study, leadership training, character building, recreation, and community awareness to help shape the minds and abilities of young boys to prepare them for the world.
The Mt. Zion Youth Academy is primarily a summer enrichment program that extends throughout the school year for boys between the ages of 9 and 14. For six weeks during the months of June and July, this program uses academic study, leadership training, character building, recreation, and community awareness to help shape the minds and abilities of young boys to prepare them for the world.
Alegra Jenkins
Children’s Church provides children between the ages of 6-11 an opportunity to spark a fire of passion for Christ in their hearts, experience meaningful worship, and prepare them to honor god throughout their early life. This ministry is held every Sunday in the nurser from 10:00 a.m. to 11 a.m. during the general worship hour.
Children’s Church provides children between the ages of 6-11 an opportunity to spark a fire of passion for Christ in their hearts, experience meaningful worship, and prepare them to honor god throughout their early life. This ministry is held every Sunday in the nurser from 10:00 a.m. to 11 a.m. during the general worship hour.
The MZ Cradle Roll Ministry (New Generations I and II) is a community outreach ministry for parents (both single and married) who are expecting and/or have children from newborn up to 4 years of age. The ministry goals include providing counseling to parents on their parenting responsibilities, and assisting parents with establishing daily worship/prayer time in their homes. Reverend Lula Harper is the director of this ministry.
Kerrie Davis, Mary Dunnum
This ministry exists to empower young ladies to become women of excellence through development of their God given talents and skills. They meet on 3rd Saturdays at 8:30 a.m. during the school year. In this effort the deaconess ministry and other women of Mt. Zion come together to mentor and educate young girls from the fall season to the spring season. This ministry is open to girls from grades 3 to 5.
This ministry exists to empower young ladies to become women of excellence through development of their God given talents and skills. They meet on 3rd Saturdays at 8:30 a.m. during the school year. In this effort the deaconess ministry and other women of Mt. Zion come together to mentor and educate young girls from the fall season to the spring season. This ministry is open to girls from grades 3 to 5.
recognition of visitors
Reverend Brian Jones
This ministry uses our youth of Mt. Zion between the ages of 16-21 to welcome all visitors during the worship hour on Sundays through formal public acknowledgments with creative speech and godly exhortations.
This ministry uses our youth of Mt. Zion between the ages of 16-21 to welcome all visitors during the worship hour on Sundays through formal public acknowledgments with creative speech and godly exhortations.
Alegra Jenkins
The purpose of the Junior Mission is to train the young ladies of Mt. Zion in the Word of God and serve as an evangelistic and missionary tool of the youth ministry. Activities include attending the first District Union meeting, participating in General Missionary Day in November and the Annual Candle lighting Service the 2nd Sunday in May, and serve as hostesses during Church Anniversary. Future plans include visiting nursing homes and those members of Mt. Zion who are sick and shut-in. The Junior Mission meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month. The membership consists of young ladies from ages 9-18.
The purpose of the Junior Mission is to train the young ladies of Mt. Zion in the Word of God and serve as an evangelistic and missionary tool of the youth ministry. Activities include attending the first District Union meeting, participating in General Missionary Day in November and the Annual Candle lighting Service the 2nd Sunday in May, and serve as hostesses during Church Anniversary. Future plans include visiting nursing homes and those members of Mt. Zion who are sick and shut-in. The Junior Mission meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month. The membership consists of young ladies from ages 9-18.
Ann Brown
The nursery is a ministry that provides child care for infants and toddlers on Sunday morning during the 10 a.m. worship hour. The nursery is located on the north end of the church. This service is provided by the General Missionary Society of Mt. Zion.
The nursery is a ministry that provides child care for infants and toddlers on Sunday morning during the 10 a.m. worship hour. The nursery is located on the north end of the church. This service is provided by the General Missionary Society of Mt. Zion.
Cub - Rhotarus Franklin
Boy Scout - Jason Franklin
Girl Scouts - Gordina Porter
Our scouting programs function in accordance with the national organizations, respectfully. These programs offer young girls and boys the opportunity to develop a wealth of skills from life and survival to health and medical to family and character to leadership and work ethics and on and on. The Boy Scouts meet 1st and 3rd Saturday from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.; the Cub Scouts meet on Mondays at 6 p.m.(meetings start the second Monday in September and end the second Saturday in May); the Girl Scouts meet on 2nd Saturday from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Boy Scout - Jason Franklin
Girl Scouts - Gordina Porter
Our scouting programs function in accordance with the national organizations, respectfully. These programs offer young girls and boys the opportunity to develop a wealth of skills from life and survival to health and medical to family and character to leadership and work ethics and on and on. The Boy Scouts meet 1st and 3rd Saturday from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.; the Cub Scouts meet on Mondays at 6 p.m.(meetings start the second Monday in September and end the second Saturday in May); the Girl Scouts meet on 2nd Saturday from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
scholarship committee
student recognition & achievement
Linda Coston
At the end of each school year, we award a few high school graduates with scholarships on from Mt. Zion. Scholarship recipients are chosen based on criteria set by the committee and are presented their scholarships on Graduate Recognition Day.
At the end of each school year, we award a few high school graduates with scholarships on from Mt. Zion. Scholarship recipients are chosen based on criteria set by the committee and are presented their scholarships on Graduate Recognition Day.
Report Card Incentives - Pastor Donny Johnson
Graduate Recognition Ceremony - Pastor Donny Johnson
This ministry is designed to recognize and reward students for their academic and extra-curricular achievements. Students are rewarded after each term that report cards are given out. Graduate Recognition is held for all high school, college, and post-baccalaureate graduates in which each graduate is recognized during the 10:15a.m. worship hour during the month of May and December are presented with a special gift.
Graduate Recognition Ceremony - Pastor Donny Johnson
This ministry is designed to recognize and reward students for their academic and extra-curricular achievements. Students are rewarded after each term that report cards are given out. Graduate Recognition is held for all high school, college, and post-baccalaureate graduates in which each graduate is recognized during the 10:15a.m. worship hour during the month of May and December are presented with a special gift.
summer enrichment program
Angela Shumate
This program is held for six weeks spanning the months of Junes and July that helps young people of all ages maintain academic continuity while school is out. Various subjects are reviewed including reading, math, writing, biblical training and the like. Students are served breakfast and lunch and have exposure to peer fellowship and exciting extra-curricular activities.
This program is held for six weeks spanning the months of Junes and July that helps young people of all ages maintain academic continuity while school is out. Various subjects are reviewed including reading, math, writing, biblical training and the like. Students are served breakfast and lunch and have exposure to peer fellowship and exciting extra-curricular activities.
Hannah Miller
What would a church be without Sunday School? We believe in educating God’s young people about God’s Word. This is why Sunday School has been a consistent discipling program for countless years. Sunday School meets every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. with classes for different age groups of young people.
What would a church be without Sunday School? We believe in educating God’s young people about God’s Word. This is why Sunday School has been a consistent discipling program for countless years. Sunday School meets every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. with classes for different age groups of young people.
Anthony Kelly
The purpose of youth basketball is to bring boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 18 into fellowship with God and other Mt. Zion youths through basketball. Youths will be given the opportunity to develop their leadership, team building, and basketball skills.
The purpose of youth basketball is to bring boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 18 into fellowship with God and other Mt. Zion youths through basketball. Youths will be given the opportunity to develop their leadership, team building, and basketball skills.
Yvette Mills
The Youth Bank of Zion at Mt. Zion Baptist Church is the fruition of a vision given to Pastor Simmons. He felt that opening a bank would be beneficial to our youth and young adults by teaching them at an early age that a wise steward invests what God gives, teaching them to master their money rather than be a slave to it, and equipping them with knowledge, which is a vital principle for financial security in future years. Through this ministry, youth will be able to get experience as bank executives and representatives as well as establish and maintain financial accounts with the help of SB&T. The bank is open every Sunday immediately following the 10 a.m. worship hour.
The Youth Bank of Zion at Mt. Zion Baptist Church is the fruition of a vision given to Pastor Simmons. He felt that opening a bank would be beneficial to our youth and young adults by teaching them at an early age that a wise steward invests what God gives, teaching them to master their money rather than be a slave to it, and equipping them with knowledge, which is a vital principle for financial security in future years. Through this ministry, youth will be able to get experience as bank executives and representatives as well as establish and maintain financial accounts with the help of SB&T. The bank is open every Sunday immediately following the 10 a.m. worship hour.
YOUTH observance ministry
Donny Johnson - Youth Pastor
The youth bible study is one of the discipleship components of the youth ministry that utilizes education of the scriptures for life and growth in the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ. There are four different classes according to age: 2-6, 7-9, 10-13, and 14-18. Youth bible study is held every Wednesday at 6 p.m.
The youth bible study is one of the discipleship components of the youth ministry that utilizes education of the scriptures for life and growth in the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ. There are four different classes according to age: 2-6, 7-9, 10-13, and 14-18. Youth bible study is held every Wednesday at 6 p.m.
Moments in History Observance - Janice Wilson
Youth Day Celebration - Pastor Donny Johnson
This ministry is made up of three major youth programs together under one heading. It includes the Moments in History Observance, Graduate Recognition, and Youth Day Celebration. There is a team of adults who incorporate the participation of the youth of Mt. Zion for each of these efforts. The Moments in History Observance is held on Sundays at the 10 a.m. worship hour starting the month of February and beyond. The Youth Day Celebration is held the 2nd Sunday in June each year. During this program, the young people lead the worship hour, various youth auxiliaries are on display and awards are given for participation.
Youth Day Celebration - Pastor Donny Johnson
This ministry is made up of three major youth programs together under one heading. It includes the Moments in History Observance, Graduate Recognition, and Youth Day Celebration. There is a team of adults who incorporate the participation of the youth of Mt. Zion for each of these efforts. The Moments in History Observance is held on Sundays at the 10 a.m. worship hour starting the month of February and beyond. The Youth Day Celebration is held the 2nd Sunday in June each year. During this program, the young people lead the worship hour, various youth auxiliaries are on display and awards are given for participation.
Karen McWhite
The mission of the Mt. Zion Pantomime team is to minister to the youth, adults, and visitors of Mt. Zion as well as the community through liturgical dance and sign language. Because of the belief that there are many ways to praise God, the team uses interpretive movements to provide a visual worship experience to show others that praise can and should involve the whole body. The team is open to all ages PK4 through 18. To sign-up send us an email at or contact Ms. Karen McWhite.
Interested in joining us? Click here to send us your information
The mission of the Mt. Zion Pantomime team is to minister to the youth, adults, and visitors of Mt. Zion as well as the community through liturgical dance and sign language. Because of the belief that there are many ways to praise God, the team uses interpretive movements to provide a visual worship experience to show others that praise can and should involve the whole body. The team is open to all ages PK4 through 18. To sign-up send us an email at or contact Ms. Karen McWhite.
Interested in joining us? Click here to send us your information
Remika Christian and Lakila Smith
The Youth Ushers are comprised of a group of young people in Mt. Zion who serve the congregation in Sunday morning worship. Youths are trained to greet and seat members and visitors of Mt. Zion, receive offerings, monitor exits and assist with any ministerial needs that arise. The youth ushers embody the true spirit of Christ’s statement of us becoming servants of all, thus becoming great in the kingdom of God. The youth ushers meet on the Saturday before the 2nd Sunday of the month at 10:15 a.m. for training and perform their duties on 2nd and 5th Sundays. This ministry is open to ages 6-18.
The Youth Ushers are comprised of a group of young people in Mt. Zion who serve the congregation in Sunday morning worship. Youths are trained to greet and seat members and visitors of Mt. Zion, receive offerings, monitor exits and assist with any ministerial needs that arise. The youth ushers embody the true spirit of Christ’s statement of us becoming servants of all, thus becoming great in the kingdom of God. The youth ushers meet on the Saturday before the 2nd Sunday of the month at 10:15 a.m. for training and perform their duties on 2nd and 5th Sundays. This ministry is open to ages 6-18.
vacation bible school
Hannah Miller
Vacation Bible School is a week long program at the beginning of summer for all young people during the day. Students are taught in the word according to a particular theme for the week. At the end of the week the students put on a final program displaying what they learned.
Vacation Bible School is a week long program at the beginning of summer for all young people during the day. Students are taught in the word according to a particular theme for the week. At the end of the week the students put on a final program displaying what they learned.
Jewels of Zion
Malisha Mishoe
The vision of the Jewels of Zion exists to promote the value of being a Christian girl who knows her self-worth and to assist in the transition of young girls into well rounded, productive and responsible Christian women. The mission is to develop the spiritual, cognitive, physical and socio-emotional domains of young girls from the age of 13 to 18 years old. The ministry meets on 3rd Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The vision of the Jewels of Zion exists to promote the value of being a Christian girl who knows her self-worth and to assist in the transition of young girls into well rounded, productive and responsible Christian women. The mission is to develop the spiritual, cognitive, physical and socio-emotional domains of young girls from the age of 13 to 18 years old. The ministry meets on 3rd Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
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Our Youth Ministry is looking for you! Will you join us?