
Too Busy To Pray?
Psalms 17:6 (NLT) I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray.
Have you ever been too busy to pray? Really? What in the world could possibly stop you from praying – talking - to your Father in Heaven? I hear some of you saying that life gets in the way sometimes. You obviously misunderstand life’s purpose. Life reminds us of how much we need to pray. Life will overcome us if we try to live it without God. When our elders were in their younger years and appeared to just be working all the time, I assure you that they were praying throughout the day – having conversations with God about what they were doing, what they didn’t understand, asking questions, expressing their frustrations, and thanking God for caring and providing for them. Those conversations – praying in the spirit – made all the difference in their attitude towards life. Prayer works, because the One Who bends low to listen always answers.