
God Loves All of Us
Romans 2:11 (NLT) For God does not show favoritism.
It hurts my heart to hear people say that they don’t think that God loves them, or that God doesn’t like them, or that they must be one of God’s mistakes. What hurts even more are the reasons behind such thoughts: “I work just as hard as the other person, but they get to have the car, the clothes, the pay raise, and the attention. I’ve been waiting for a long time for this or that, and God hasn’t come through for me yet. God favors certain kinds of people, and I’m not one of them.” Our prejudices of the world and our lack of understanding the fullness of Who God is finds us unjustly blaming the One Who loves us all! God is the Love we are missing, the Love we are seeking, and the Love we are in desperate need of. Every fault we can name to explain why we think God doesn’t love us is evidence that we’re looking for His Love in all the wrong places. The righteous and the sinner have only one place to look to know that God loves them. Look only unto God, and don’t be surprised to learn that He’s giving His abundant love to the good, the bad, and the ugly – all and the same – because He doesn’t show favoritism among His creation. God loves all of us.