Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
General Missionary Society through visits to the sick and shut-in, providing food for the Soup Kitchen on special days, assisting with church programs, etc.

Circle 1
Chithea Summers-Robinson
Supports the General Missionary Society through visits to the sick and shut-in, providing desserts for the Soup Kitchen on special days, assisting with church programs, etc., and meet on Monday ayer the second Sunday in each month at 5:00 p.m. to discuss weekly mission lessons and to fellowship with members.
Supports the General Missionary Society through visits to the sick and shut-in, providing desserts for the Soup Kitchen on special days, assisting with church programs, etc., and meet on Monday ayer the second Sunday in each month at 5:00 p.m. to discuss weekly mission lessons and to fellowship with members.

Circle 4

Circle 2
Annie Carouthers
This Circle of missionary workers diligently work to promote the activities of the General Missionary Society and the Church by seeking to bring the lost to a knowledge of Christ through outreach witnessing and providing Bibles for new converts. Additionally, this group provides needy families, sick and shut-ins, boys and girls, and senior citizens with needed household and personal items, visitation and study. It is also responsible for the “First Care” room of the church, and for placing inspirational displays/reading material in the church and lobby.
This Circle of missionary workers diligently work to promote the activities of the General Missionary Society and the Church by seeking to bring the lost to a knowledge of Christ through outreach witnessing and providing Bibles for new converts. Additionally, this group provides needy families, sick and shut-ins, boys and girls, and senior citizens with needed household and personal items, visitation and study. It is also responsible for the “First Care” room of the church, and for placing inspirational displays/reading material in the church and lobby.

Circle 5

Circle 3
Velma Mitchell
This Circle of missionary workers provides a means of Christian growth to the Mt. Zion Baptist Church membership through inspirational and cultural enrichment. The Circle assists the General Missionary Society with the implementation of its goals and outreach programs. Specific activities include oversight of the Church Library, special programs for youth in the chosen Youth Department centers, and addressing the needs of adopted families in the community.
This Circle of missionary workers provides a means of Christian growth to the Mt. Zion Baptist Church membership through inspirational and cultural enrichment. The Circle assists the General Missionary Society with the implementation of its goals and outreach programs. Specific activities include oversight of the Church Library, special programs for youth in the chosen Youth Department centers, and addressing the needs of adopted families in the community.

Junior Mission
Cynthia McMillian
This Circle of missionary workers provides support to the church and the General Missionary Society and helps in achieving the goals by providing personal care items and visitation for the sick and shut-in, witnessing and outreach, special occasion and birthday gifts for the Pastor, etc. Additionally, the Circle provides needed personal care items and Christmas fellowship with Pines Personal Care Home, and Bible Study with any of our sick and shut-ins. Mission Study and Meetings are held each month on the 2nd Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
This Circle of missionary workers provides support to the church and the General Missionary Society and helps in achieving the goals by providing personal care items and visitation for the sick and shut-in, witnessing and outreach, special occasion and birthday gifts for the Pastor, etc. Additionally, the Circle provides needed personal care items and Christmas fellowship with Pines Personal Care Home, and Bible Study with any of our sick and shut-ins. Mission Study and Meetings are held each month on the 2nd Saturday at 10:00 a.m.

Ellia Howard / Devorah Simon
This ministry is made up of Youth from ages five (5) to nine (9) years of age and is under the supervision of the General Missionary Society. Its purpose is to plant the missionary spirit in the heart of the child by bringing spiritual needs before them early and to teach the child to Love and serve the Creator.
This ministry is made up of Youth from ages five (5) to nine (9) years of age and is under the supervision of the General Missionary Society. Its purpose is to plant the missionary spirit in the heart of the child by bringing spiritual needs before them early and to teach the child to Love and serve the Creator.
Sarah White
This Circle of missionary workers visits the sick and shut-ins. Additionally, this missionary group supports the First District Union Meeting, The Fowl Town (Fowltown) Association, and all missionary functions. In addition, Circle #5 supports and maintains the Church Nursery during worship services. Mission Meetings are held on each Saturday before the second Sunday in each month at 1:00 p.m.
This Circle of missionary workers visits the sick and shut-ins. Additionally, this missionary group supports the First District Union Meeting, The Fowl Town (Fowltown) Association, and all missionary functions. In addition, Circle #5 supports and maintains the Church Nursery during worship services. Mission Meetings are held on each Saturday before the second Sunday in each month at 1:00 p.m.
Kimberly Thompson / Hannah Miller
This ministry teaches the Youth how to serve humanity and witness for Christ, while developing Christian leadership skills. They are assigned specific duties during Church and Association meetings, they visit the sick and shut-in, participates in special retreats, and supports the overall objective of the General Missionary Society.
This ministry teaches the Youth how to serve humanity and witness for Christ, while developing Christian leadership skills. They are assigned specific duties during Church and Association meetings, they visit the sick and shut-in, participates in special retreats, and supports the overall objective of the General Missionary Society.
General missionary ministry
Mission Contact
Valerie Gibson
Mission Contact
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Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to HAITI
If you are interested in joining our Medical Mission team just send us an email to mtzion.info@mtzionofalbany.org or click the more information button below.