
Here’s the Thing...
Isaiah 55:11 (NLT) “...It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it...”

Everything that God has purposed in and for and through our lives will happen – will succeed - just as He has said. This might not seem true to us when we commit our life’s service to God, but then we end up having to let go of people or places, or things that He once gave to us. Is God is mad at us? No, God is not mad at us. God’s not mad about anything. He is accomplishing what He has purposed. What He provided for a season has served its purpose. Time moves on, and all things are not meant to move on with it. When we keep our focus on God, we’ll become better at knowing when it’s simply time to let go – and let God have His way. Here’s the thing...whatever changes we are to endure in this life – no matter how they may appear - we will always be on the path of a blessed life as long as we truly desire and trust in God’s will in every aspect of our living.