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For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Matthew 18:20
God has given us access to a powerful tool, social interaction. When following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our interactive ministry play its part in fulfilling the Great Commission. Come Join us!

Our Interactive ministries
Albert Simmons
The purpose of the Family Group Ministry (FGM) is to build unique authentic brother and sister relationships through small group (family-like) interactions based upon the Church Vision, “To Reach the World for Christ through Evangelism, Discipleship, Fellowship, and Missions.” The FGM does not replace other ministries, but encourages members to be involved in other church programs and ministries. The Family Group Ministry is resourceful to members in clarifying church doctrines, traditions and activities. The members help each other to solve various personal and spiritual problems, especially those pertaining to church activities and individual spiritual growth.
The purpose of the Family Group Ministry (FGM) is to build unique authentic brother and sister relationships through small group (family-like) interactions based upon the Church Vision, “To Reach the World for Christ through Evangelism, Discipleship, Fellowship, and Missions.” The FGM does not replace other ministries, but encourages members to be involved in other church programs and ministries. The Family Group Ministry is resourceful to members in clarifying church doctrines, traditions and activities. The members help each other to solve various personal and spiritual problems, especially those pertaining to church activities and individual spiritual growth.
Diane Wilson, Sonja Bryant & Rutha Harris
The purpose of the Singles’ Ministry is to provide a spiritual, fun-filled and healthy setting for singles while reaching the world for Christ through Evangelism, Discipleship, Fellowship and Mission. To serve God; to seek God’s guidance; to seek those in need of spiritual fulfillment; to help develop healthy minds, healthy bodies and healthy souls through Bible Study, Church School and other related classes; to support the Pastor and his vision and to develop a prayerful relationship with all singles within the church.
The purpose of the Singles’ Ministry is to provide a spiritual, fun-filled and healthy setting for singles while reaching the world for Christ through Evangelism, Discipleship, Fellowship and Mission. To serve God; to seek God’s guidance; to seek those in need of spiritual fulfillment; to help develop healthy minds, healthy bodies and healthy souls through Bible Study, Church School and other related classes; to support the Pastor and his vision and to develop a prayerful relationship with all singles within the church.
Lula Stokes
This ministry is designed to provide wholesome recreational and thoughtful activities to help relieve the stress and pressure of everyday life. Meetings are held on the Third (3rd) Thursday of each month, on-site or off-site and are open to members or guests.
This ministry is designed to provide wholesome recreational and thoughtful activities to help relieve the stress and pressure of everyday life. Meetings are held on the Third (3rd) Thursday of each month, on-site or off-site and are open to members or guests.
Victoria & George Darrisaw / Bernard & Sevi Roberson
The Marriage Ministry is designed to help couples engage in activities that promote the unit of marriage and provide the opportunity for Christian fellowship. It provides support to other married couples through bonding experiences of love, honor, friendship, and Christian commitment.
The Marriage Ministry is designed to help couples engage in activities that promote the unit of marriage and provide the opportunity for Christian fellowship. It provides support to other married couples through bonding experiences of love, honor, friendship, and Christian commitment.
Kimberly Dandridge / Minister Rosie Pearson
The purpose of the Mt. Zion Mental Health Ministry is to destigmatize our beliefs and opinions surrounding mental health and wellness through awareness and advocacy work in our church, community and the world at large. Our hope and prayer is the "all" people receive the physical AND mental (emotional) medical care required to live a healthy, spiritual, peaceful and well balanced life from head to toe... in Jesus name!!!
Click here for more information
The purpose of the Mt. Zion Mental Health Ministry is to destigmatize our beliefs and opinions surrounding mental health and wellness through awareness and advocacy work in our church, community and the world at large. Our hope and prayer is the "all" people receive the physical AND mental (emotional) medical care required to live a healthy, spiritual, peaceful and well balanced life from head to toe... in Jesus name!!!
Click here for more information
Minister Audrey Kimbrough
The purpose of the Senior Adult Care Ministry is to minister to the relational needs of our Mt. Zion members that are 60 plus. These needs will be addressed in many ways including; prayer and worship activities, meetings, events, trips, programs, and other areas where the Senior Adult Ministry leaders can be of assistance.
The purpose of the Senior Adult Care Ministry is to minister to the relational needs of our Mt. Zion members that are 60 plus. These needs will be addressed in many ways including; prayer and worship activities, meetings, events, trips, programs, and other areas where the Senior Adult Ministry leaders can be of assistance.