
Come To Jesus Just As You Are
1 Timothy 2:5-6 (NLT) ...There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone.
What do people who come to come to Jesus look like? They look just like you and me, because underneath the outer layer of our identities we all look the very same. We are imperfect souls stained with sin. We seem to forget about that when we come to Jesus and begin to feel better about ourselves. How many of us are willing to admit that we told a pastor or a member of a church at one time or another that ‘God knows my heart, and as soon as I get myself straightened out I’ll come to church’? Uh-huh...we chuckle about it. But the fact of the matter is that ‘because God knows our hearts, we should come to unto the church so that He can straightened us out’. Mm-hmm...if you’re reading today’s devotion and it has touched a nerve, come to Jesus – just as you are.