
We Get Off Course
Ecclesiastes 7:29 (NLT) “... But I did find this: God created people to be virtuous, but they have each turned to follow their own downward path.”
As good as we know that everything that exists is the property of God, we keep falling for the enticement of buying things that we really don’t need and that won’t last. In a little while, we transfer what we’ve become bored with - either to a storage unit or to Goodwill – only to fill up again on more recycled new stuff. Is there any Kingdom value in this when all around us there are souls who would be uplifted by our investing ‘ourselves’ into their wellbeing? The acquisition of more and more things makes life unnecessarily complicated – and crowded. We get off course in being faithful stewards with God’s blessings. But we know what to do, and we know that we can do it. Give more time, talent, and treasures toward the building up of God’s Kingdom – His people. The right course leads to the Kingdom economy of God.