
Rubbing Shoulders
1 Corinthians 15:33 (NLT) Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for ‘bad company corrupts good character.”
There is truth in the saying that ‘association brings on assimilation’. You can’t rub shoulders with just anybody. If you associate with a person who has poor character traits long enough – you will soon begin to mimic the very same traits. It’s beautiful when your association with another person produces good fruit in and of the both of you. But in those cases where the fruit is bad, what can you do to change it? How about having the courage to separate your shoulder from the shoulder that has poor character. Think about the quality of person you want to be, and look for those qualities in others. God is present where two or more people gather in His Name. If you can’t sense the character of God in your associations, it’s in your favor to keep your shoulder on standby until God leads you to someone whose character produces good fruit.