
Resurrected Dream

1 Corinthians 15:55 (CSB) Where, death, is your victory? Where, death, is your sting?

If you have ever had a dream in you that was so real until you could literally see yourself living in it—but then something happened that caused your dream to die—I am telling you that God can resurrect your dream! Perhaps there was something God knew was going to happen in your life that risked destroying the dream completely that He that He inspired in you. The seeming ‘death’ of your dream may have been God’s way of protecting it – and protecting you – from the potential harm that could have occurred. Can you remember your dream? Can you remember how it made your spirit feel so alive and gave you such joy? That’s usually the case with a God-given dream! Why don’t you ask God by faith to resurrect your dream? You know that He can if it’s His will for you. This just might be your time.