God’s Holy Word
Job 26:7 (CSB) He [God] stretches the northern skies over empty space; he hangs the earth on nothing.
We don’t have the capacity to fully understand and appreciate the magnitude of God’s authority over the universe and everything that the universe consists of. Everything—every single thing—begins and exists by God’s Word. His Word alone is all it takes to set life into motion and to bring life to an end. God’s Word is what keeps this earth that we live on suspended in space and spinning. His Word is what makes living things and all of the earth’s creation spin at the same speed that the earth does – and we are not physically aware of it. Pondering such things ought to astonish us and quickly remind us that nothing exists that is greater than our God. God has all power, and we have God’s Holy Word.
Job 26:7 (CSB) He [God] stretches the northern skies over empty space; he hangs the earth on nothing.
We don’t have the capacity to fully understand and appreciate the magnitude of God’s authority over the universe and everything that the universe consists of. Everything—every single thing—begins and exists by God’s Word. His Word alone is all it takes to set life into motion and to bring life to an end. God’s Word is what keeps this earth that we live on suspended in space and spinning. His Word is what makes living things and all of the earth’s creation spin at the same speed that the earth does – and we are not physically aware of it. Pondering such things ought to astonish us and quickly remind us that nothing exists that is greater than our God. God has all power, and we have God’s Holy Word.
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