
Foundation for Learning

Isaiah 54:13 (CSB) Then all your children will be taught by the Lord, their prosperity will be great, and you will be established on a foundation of righteousness.

What an honor and responsibility it is for parents to teach their children about God. Children’s’ spiritual realization of God’s existence begins at home under the nurtured and protective care of their parents, and the support of believing grandparents, aunts and uncles, older siblings, cousins, and family friends. These people form the sacred village of each child’s initial spiritual development. The knowledge of Who God is forms the foundation for all other learning that children will acquire and build on in their lifetime. Everything about life is founded in the Word of God. May all children receive the biblical teachings in their homelife that will equip them well so that they will not be intimidated by or fearful of what they are required to learn in their scholastic environments.