
If You Need To Reach Me...

Matthew 14:23 (MSG) With the crowd dispersed, he climbed the mountain so he could be by himself and pray. He stayed there alone, late into the night.

When Jesus went up to the hills by himself to pray, everything He could want or need was found in the sovereign Presence of God. Everything that beckoned His attention and everyone who requested His help – it all had to wait. The Son needed time with His Father, and the Father needed time with His Son... and all was well with the Lord. Today I am reminding you that you have God’s permission, and it is His expectation of you to get away – alone – and spend time with only Him whenever and as often as you can. I have a voice message on my phone that says, “If you need to reach me, I’m on a mountain with my Father. We cannot be disturbed at this time.”