
Give Someone Some Unexpected Joy!
Hebrews 13:16 (NIV) And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
From time to time throughout our lifetime, every believer needs someone to pour into them what they pour out for the sake of others. In our mission to serve the sick and the less fortunate of God’s people, we are sometimes guilty of providing joy to the least of these and then dumping our weariness on our fellow brothers and sisters who walk beside us in Kingdom service. Listen – the joy that God gives us never runs out! However, we have a responsibility to make sure we share joy with the essential ‘joy givers’, because they need I just as much as those who are lowly in heart. Just because a person has a beautiful smile and a pleasant demeanor is no reason to believe he or she cannot use a dose of unexpected joy from you and from me! Hey – somewhere and at some point in our lives – every ounce of joy that we give will be reciprocated back to us, and reciprocated joy is something we can all use! So, go on and make it your business to give someone some unexpected joy today!