
Serving In Your Sweet Spot
1 Peter 4:11b (NIV)  If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ
When people are doing something that they truly enjoy, you can tell it. They have a joy about them that is attractive and inspiring. They’ve found the place in the center of life’s spinning wheel where they recognize their unique God talent, and they’re working in it to serve others and to honor God. That place in the center of the wheel where such a combination comes together is called a ‘sweet spot’. It’s not a fantasy. Those who find it discover the difference between working a job and serving a purpose. There is a huge difference. How can you find your sweet spot and begin to serve in life with a greater sense of joy? Consider what you’re talented at doing. Nothing is too big or small. Think creatively, and ask the Lord to show you how He would have you to use your ability the way He always intended for you to. It’s never too late to begin.