
How Can This Be?

Luke 1:34a (AMP) Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, ...?”

Mary asked a fair question of the angel Gabriel when he announced to her that she would become pregnant with the Son of God. She was engaged to Joseph whom she had not yet been intimate with. Ordinarily, doesn’t intimacy have to come before a pregnancy can occur? Yes – ordinarily with man - that is. But Mary was facing the favor of God Almighty – the Creator of all things – Who specializes in interrupting the ordinary flow of life. God makes things happen so much so that the word ‘impossible’ has no reason to exist. The answers to our burdens, our needs, our hopes, and our dreams are all possible. Like Mary, we can stand in the way of unfathomable experiences with God. How can this be? All we must do is believe in our God Who makes all things possible. It is so.