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Proverbs 19:21 (NLT) You can make many plans, but the LORD’s purpose will prevail.
Bernadette cleared her busy schedule and traveled a good distance to attend a special banquet where she would be receiving an award for her work in support of Senior Citizens Programs. She arrived hours early on the day of the event. She checked into her hotel room, relaxed, and rehearsed her acceptance speech. When the time came for her to attend the banquet, she was met outside of the venue by the event director who apologetically informed Bernadette that there had been a change in plans. The award portion of the program had already taken place an hour earlier than it was initially scheduled. Bernadette considered the greater purpose of her traveling as far as she did to receive her award. It wasn’t about the award at all. It was about God allowing her to mix and mingle with the fruit of her labor. Tucking her speech away in her purse, Bernadette embraced the posture current of Christ within her, and she entered the banquet portion of the program. She felt honored to enjoy such rich fellowship with the people for whom God purposed her life’s work. May this be a reminder for us that to be able to have fellowship with people whose lives we impact because of our life’s service will always be more rewarding than any award that sits on a shelf. Amen.