
Patience Versus Power
Proverbs 16:32a (NLT) Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city.
Two businessmen – Patience and Power - bought property a block away from each other to build their homes. Patience built a small house with a large front porch. Power built a huge mansion surrounded by a tall cement wall. Patience was neighborly. He connected with his community and made friends by inviting them to visit on his front porch. But Power overlooked everyone. He gave orders and paid heavily to employ the few people who would put up with him. Long story short – as the years passed, Patience established relationships with the people in his community, and together they expanded businesses and connections that impacted the lives of the people around them and beyond.
Unfortunately, Power got used up, and he dried up and died without anyone ever really noticing his absence. This happened to him because he kept all that he had to himself instead of using it to
empower other lives – like Patience did. If you ask me, I’d say it’s a heart thing. Selah.