
Your Kindness Is Appreciated
Ruth 2:12 (NLT) “...May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done.”
There are people who do daily acts of kindness towards us. Whether we realize it or not, God puts us on the minds of others, and He superbly orchestrates our encounters with people. Sometimes I believe those encounters are with angels. It does us well to pay attention when someone comes across our mind for no apparent reason. More than likely, that’s our cue to make contact and do an act of kindness in their life. Also, we ought to pause and think about the loving gestures and the gift of people’s presence in our life. Material things have their place, but they can’t provide for us what another living soul can give us with love. Who do you think of that has blessed your spirit and reminded you that you are special? Be sure to reciprocate the gesture, and let them know that their kindness is appreciated.