
Harnessed Tongues and Filtered Hearts
2 Timothy 2:16-17b (NLT) Avoid worthless, foolish talk that only leads to more godless behavior. This kind of talk spreads like cancer, …
The medical field has made numerous advances in treatments for the still uncurable cancer. For many people, the medications have made an astounding improvement in the quality of their life. Medicine hasn’t been able to destroy cancer completely, but it can slow down and even stop it from spreading.   Similarly, the conversations we have with each other that have no Kingdom value can spread and affect one spiritual life to another in the same manner that cancer affects our physical life. But we have the ability to cure it. The difficulty comes with harnessing our tongues, because what we say is channeled from within our hearts. The scriptures help us to screen and filter what needs to come out of us and what needs to stay in! When we sifted out what causes our cancer-laden conversations, we are then able to harness our tongues and spread words of holiness from one spiritual life to the next and build each other up instead of tearing ourselves down. Selah.