
Jesus Ascends To Heaven (Ascension Day)

Mark 16:19-20 (NIV) After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

During these past forty day since Easter Sunday, did you think about how Jesus was still here in the earth finishing up some visits and conversations so that His disciples would be completely equipped to go into all the world and spread His Gospel? Jesus – after rising from death - didn’t just leave His disciples on the spot. He stayed around for forty extra days to tie up loose ends before ascending to Heaven to be with His Father. What a home coming celebration the angels must have been preparing for their Lord of Lords! You do know that when Jesus returns to this earth, He’s not going to leave us on the spot either! He’ll tie up the loose ends as He gathers us unto Himself and takes us with Him to be in Heaven with our Father for all Eternity. The homecoming celebration planning committee have been getting things ready for us for a while now. It won’t be long before Jesus returns. But until that time comes, we’ll keep spreading the Gospel of Jesus so more people can be ready for Him when He returns. Amen.