
Mortarboards and Tassels

“The price of your hat isn’t the measure of your brain.” – Traditional
There is nothing like that moment when graduates march into a venue where people are gathered to celebrate the accomplishment of their years of study that now earned them their diplomas and degrees. It’s a moment that swiftly passes - considering all the time they invested to get there. Still, to don mortarboards and tassels and be distinguished as graduates and scholars is a gratifying life achievement to attain! You’ve earned it, and you’re expected to celebrate it! But don’t you dare forget to praise God for it, because you didn’t get this far on your own merits. God and His many servant vessels were with you all along the way as you charted the courses of your academic journey. All things were already possible for you before this time of conferment. You have a limitless capacity for learning and evolving that will continue for all of your life. So, live each day as a student in the Master’s class of life. Let Jesus teach you how to prepare to live a Kingdom life in the earth just as you one day will in Heaven – forever. Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Proverbs 4:5-6 (NIV)