
Feeding Schedule
Psalm 119:104a;105 (NLT) Your commandments give me understanding; Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

What is your weekly feeding schedule as it applies to the Word of God? I pray it’s not just a Sunday and Wednesday feeding. Heaven forbid that you are malnourished in receiving the spiritual nutrition that is necessary to navigate your life in Christ!
You and I are required to feed from the Bible every day, and as often as possible! Imagine how many stunted spirits occupy the physical bodies of people who fast from feeding on the Word. Let me help you break that fast right now! You are living in spiritual detention if you think the Sunday school teacher, the preacher, and the Bible Study facilitator are the adequate feeding schedule you need to grow in Christ. If you don’t have an appetite for the God’s Word that far exceeds what you acquire from Sunday school, church service, and Bible Study – you aren’t hungry for Jesus! You’re not past milk and pablum, and you won’t start chewing meat until you develop a hunger for the scriptures that you feed to yourself daily. Hunger so for your Savior so that you can say, “I have not departed from his commands, but have treasured his words more than daily food” (Job 23:12).