
Our S.R.S. (Salvation, Relationship, Service)
Titus 3:4-5 (NLT) But – “When God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of righteous things we have done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.

It’s important for believers – both seasoned and new – to keep certain priorities in their right order for the sake of our effectiveness as members of the body of Christ. These priorities are our S.R.S. – Salvation, Relationship, and Service. Salvation is God’s gift to us – not to be earned – but to be received. We receive our salvation by establishing a lifelong intimate relationship with Jesus. As He loves and cares for us, He desires us to get to know Him, love Him, and believe in Him. In doing so, God then invites us to do Kingdom service. Well-intentioned believers often make the mistake of putting service before relationship for the sake of earning salvation. But that’s out of order. Service doesn’t come before salvation. Salvation is already ours. Service comes in time…when a relationship with the Savior Himself has been established. After all, if it were not for Jesus – we wouldn’t have S.R.S - you know what I mean?