
Proverbs 13:4 (NLT) Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.

Lazy people don’t have a vision for themselves or about life in  general. Their thinking fits within the boundaries of their comfort zone, and the people they best relate with are the people who make it easy for them to stay comfortably lazy. But here’s the thing - job or no job - lazy people will always struggle as long as they don’t address the struggle within themselves. What is the struggle? The struggle is to awaken to their self-awareness, identity, life purpose, dreams, and goals. It’s realizing the bigger picture of what life is about, and cultivating a desire to serve others. It’s about taking responsibility, being held accountable, and exerting the best of what’s inside of them to make a difference in the outside world and in the lives of other people. The struggle is to never become complacent about their self-development and opportunities to grow in areas where they are weak.  A helpless developing baby that eventually outgrows the space in its mother’s womb gets pushed out of its comfort zone and into an environment where it has to do some work on its own in order to have its needs met. Surely if a tiny baby has to work, then everyone is supposed to do the same. If any of this hits home with you, simply put – your work is piled up…best you get started.