
Matthew 11:28-30(NIV) “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Give It Here
As a child, whenever I was anxious about anything, I would go to Mama, and she’d make me feel better. “Give it here,” is what she would say to me. With a prayer and a warm hug, she brought closure to my distress. When I grew older and troubles weighed me down, Mama trained me to talk to Jesus and trust Him to take care of what bothered me. One day I asked Mama why she stopped taking care of things for me. Her reply: “I never did take care of your troubles. It has always been Jesus. I just carried them to Him for you until you became old enough to understand that you can go to Him for yourself.” Since then – when I kneel before Jesus to share my highs and my lows – I can hear Him in my spirit telling me to ‘Give it here’. When I rise to my feet, I still feel the same relief I always felt when I thought it was Mama making everything alright. Jesus wants you to take whatever it is that keeps you from putting your total faith and trust in Him and ‘Give it here’. Do it over and over until you give it all to Him. Let go…let God…and live!