
God’s Word Is Invincible
(Habakkuk 3:19/NLT) The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights.

Have you ever watched a suspense movie that was intense, full of danger, and had unpredictable circumstances? Take for instance a scene where the good guy agrees to work with detectives in a sting operation to throw off the ringleader of a group of criminals. Everything appears to be going as planned until bullets begin to spray! Some of the detectives have fallen to the ground, including the good guy. But when everything settles, the criminals have been apprehended, all the bulletproof wearing detectives are accounted for ,and the movie ends with the unharmed good guy walking up to the head detective to commend him and his team for a job well done. In real life,  believers actually work in mission fields like this every day. In the grocery store, on the highways, at their jobs, in their homes and even in their churches – Christians are agents of Jesus Christ who stand in the gap to share the Word of God with people who are at risk of letting the adversary use them and rob them of their soul. Sometimes spiritual bullets fly to kill the Word of Truth we have to offer, but because the Good News is invincible, no weapons forged against [us] will prevail (Isaiah 54:17a)! Instead, we reap for the Kingdom those who receive God’s Word, and Jesus – our Protector, our Defender, our Leaders – He says to us, “Well done.” We fight with the invincible Word of God for an Invincible God. He is our strength!