
“Leadership is found in the action to defeat that which would defeat you. You are made by the struggles you choose.”
Cordy Tindell ‘C.T.’ Vivian (African American minister, author, and close friend and lieutenant of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)) 1924-2020

God Made You a Leader
(Matthew 7:12 NLT) “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.

Because you live for Jesus Christ, you are a leader. You may not think so, but it’s true. What do you think all of your life training in works of service is all about? Our best efforts in leading other souls to Christ, and in rallying the cause of Christ in every sector of the world shows through our acts of service. When we are willing to offer our life’s service in the Name of the Lord, we can conquer the weapons of warfare that rise against us. Sometimes this can be difficult, but when all is said and done, we’ve made a mark of victory over the adversary, and our struggle will have made us a stronger people. Therefore, you are a leader. God made you so. Now…stand up like you know it.