
“It’s been a long – A long time coming – But I know a change gonna come – Oh, yes it will.”                        Lyrics from ‘A Change Is Gonna Come’ written in 1963 and recorded in 1964 by  Samuel ‘Sam’ Cooke (African American singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur) 1931 - 1964

It’s Been A Long Time Coming
(Amos 5:24 NIV) But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!

How prophetic are the song lyrics in ‘A Change Is Gonna Come’. It is now fifty-six years later since Sam Cooke’s recording that we see the fruition of its prophecy in the court ruling of George Floyd’s death. The officer who forcefully held his knee in Floyd’s neck causing him to die from asphyxiation was found guilty of murder. We watched the trial and prayed with hope for change; and yet, the foreboding presence of  uncertainty weighed heavy on our hearts because racial injustice and police brutality have gone on for so long. But in George’s case, the long time coming of change prevailed. In my sanctified imagination, I see Sam and George embracing each other as they are encircled by Jesus and the many civil rights martyrs who suffered and died to bring about social justice for all people. And in my sanctified imagination, I see you and me continuing in our obligation to fight for what’s right until the day Jesus returns and completely settles the score of racial injustice for all of His children.