
Sweetness of Life
“Life is short, and it’s up to you to make it sweet.” 
Sadie Delany (American Educator, Civil Rights Pioneer, Activist, Author)1889-1999

(Proverbs 27:9) The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.
Our spirit within conjures up the sweetness of life we cannot get from material things alone. Sweetness comes from nature – God’s nature. It is aromatic, colorful, warm, all-encompassing, and it expresses itself in innumerable ways! The sweetness of your life and my life is an intimate connection we have in Jesus. Quiet moments, time we spend in the company of loved ones, a gentle breeze, a delicious meal, a baby’s laughter, a twinkle in the smiling eyes of the elderly, a warm embrace…saying the name of Jesus - no sweeter name we know. Our time in the earth is way short compared to the Eternity we can look forward to in Heaven. But while we are here, let’s enjoy every savory moment of sweetness there is in this life, shall we?