Let’s Finish and Get Started
(Luke 9:62) Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."
We're casting our voices today. We meant what we said in November, and we're speaking even louder today to confirm our decision. It is time for change - for all people! If there is to be a struggle, let it be a struggle that moves us forward and upward in unity and prosperity and not backward in division and poverty. Let's do a new thing - a God thing! Let's not add to the issues by arguing our points of view. Let's speak with our collective voices in today's runoff election. We are more than ready to let the past stay in the past and move what's broken out of the way. With our hands to the plow and our eyes set on God...let's finish this. It's past time for us to get started being the change we want to see!
(Luke 9:62) Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."
We're casting our voices today. We meant what we said in November, and we're speaking even louder today to confirm our decision. It is time for change - for all people! If there is to be a struggle, let it be a struggle that moves us forward and upward in unity and prosperity and not backward in division and poverty. Let's do a new thing - a God thing! Let's not add to the issues by arguing our points of view. Let's speak with our collective voices in today's runoff election. We are more than ready to let the past stay in the past and move what's broken out of the way. With our hands to the plow and our eyes set on God...let's finish this. It's past time for us to get started being the change we want to see!
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